Thursday, January 15, 2009

voodoo magic?

Parker has never been a good sleeper. We've come to accept it. It's not part of who he is. When he's an adult, he'll be one of those night owls who does their best work at 3am and can still wake up in the morning. We've never been able to just lay him down in his bed, say a few comforting words, give him a pat on the back and walk away (I don't know why, but this was my pre-child parenting scenario). And I'm now ok with this...don't get me wrong - I used to grumble at those parents of newborns who boasted that their two-week-old baby slept through the night from the beginning. Now, I can smile and genuinely be happy for them.

Something happened four nights ago. Jeremy took a turn putting Parker to bed. Stories were read (as usual). Water was sipped (as ususal). Rocking commenced (as usual). After the light was switched off, though, Jeremy looked at Park and asked him if he wanted to go into his bed. Park simply nodded and that was that. The first two nights of this he woke up many times...a sign of an unfamiliar routine I think, but last night my mom came over to spend the evening with Park. She's never had trouble putting him to bed (she says that he's out after one verse of "Three Little Kittens Have Lost Their Mittens"), but last night as soon as the light was switched off he pointed to his bed. And slept through the night. For maybe the tenth time in his life. Fabulous. Welcome. Sleep. mmmmm.....


Leesa said...

So glad for you!!! Yay, Parker!!

Jeff and Michelle said...

Oh, wow... you two are HERO parents for dealing with the little guy not sleeping through the night for so long!

I tagged you, btw. :)