Monday, August 11, 2008

goin' with the flow

When Parker was about 13 months old, he developed a to-the-core terror of the bath. I'm not sure how it happened - one day bath time was laughter and splashing, and the next day it was constant screaming. I went online and tried to get some advice...only to read about kids who's bathtime fear lasted for months. Yikes! We tried everything: going back to the baby bath. transitioning from the laundry basket (that he loves sitting in). standing in the empty bath and rinsing off....the only thing that finally worked was if he sat in my lap in the bath, but if his feet touched the bottom of the out.

Now...solution! Parker LOVES taking showers! I think he feels more in control. I just suds him up and he rinses himself off while playing. Now the only crying we have to deal with at bath time is when the water turns off. I can deal with that!

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Leesa said...

Hooray!! I'm glad you found a solution that works for all of you - and one that lets only Parker get wet instead of the both of you. :) He looks so pleased with himself in the pictures.

thisgirlsworld said...

i don't like baths either. showers all the way!

Jeff and Michelle said...

Errol is also terrified of baths... unfortunately, he's just as terrified as showers. I'm glad Parker likes at least one! Cute pics, as usual. :)